Disney Secrets

Did you know that under/inside Matterhorn Mountain there is a basketball court?

Did you know that the original Tinker Bell in the park was 71 years old?

Did you know Ron Ziegler, Richard Nixon's press secretary, worked as a skipper on the Jungle Cruise?

Did you know that it took only one year to build Disneyland?

Did you know Disneyland is home to tons of feral cats that come out when the guests leave to kill the mice?

Did you know 3 babies have been born at Disneyland?

Did you know that Steve Martin used to work at the Magic Shop on Main Street as a teen?

Did you know, originally when the rides opened, Mr. Toad, Snow White, Peter Pan and many others were not featured in their own attractions! Disney wanted the feeling that you were in the characters position. Barely anyone understood it the concept.

Did you now that when you get in line for the Disneyland Railroad in New Orleans Square, that the morse code messages can actually be translated into Walt Disney's famous opening day speech?

COMING SOON: More Fun Facts and Secrets you may not have know about the Happiest Place on Earth.

information From: http://www.listropolis.com/2008/04/50-things-you-didn’t-know-about-disneyland/